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Fête des publications

Venez à la première édition de la "fête des publications" du CIRI le jeudi 26 janvier à 18h30 !
Fête des publications
When Jan 26, 2023
from 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM
Where ENS
Contact Name
Attendees Doctorants et postdocs

Publishing an article in a journal is always a great pride!



PhD students and postdocs, come to the first edition of CIRI's "publication party" on Thursday 26-JAN @ 6:30PM (precise location at ENS will be communicated later).


Come share a recent article published by your team to which you have contributed or that you are taking over, or just to come listen to the presentations and exchange with colleagues on recent publications of the Center (and to eat pizzas +++)


On the agenda: 

flash talks on publications, Q&A, pizzas, and drinks!


The idea is to spend a friendly time talking about science, to share experiences.


If you are interested, please fill out this Google Form 😊

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