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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / CERP / CERP/PHE3ID team awarded the Shapemed@Lyon call "Projets d'amorçage"

CERP/PHE3ID team awarded the Shapemed@Lyon call "Projets d'amorçage"

The PHE3ID/CERP research team has been awarded with one of the first Projets d’Amorçage supported by SHAPE-Med@Lyon

The PHE3ID/CERP research team has been awarded with one of the first Projets d’Amorçage supported by SHAPE-Med@Lyon.

The proposed project “EASIER-COHORT: ExtrAction of Symptoms from electronIc hEalth Records to create automatic COHORTs” is among the 10 selected projects and will be developed during 2 years in collaboration with the team of Prof Angela Bonifati at LIRIS.

EASIER-COHORT aims at developing natural language processing (NLP) techniques to retrieve automatically unstructured information from patients’ records, such as symptoms and comorbidities, to address epidemiological questions.

The first projects will be focussed on viral respiratory infections especially for detection, diagnosis and outcome in hospitalized patients. Results will be helpful for education, prevention, including vaccine, and improvement of care in patients at risk of such infections.

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