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CIRI group : Personnic N - Persist
Persistence and Single-Cell Dynamics of Respiratory Pathogens
Located in Teams
Charpentier X - Horigene
Horizontal gene transfer in bacterial pathogens
Located in Teams
Doublet P/Jarraud S - LegioPath
Legionella Pathogenesis
Located in Teams
Faure M - APY
Autophagy Infection Immunity
Located in Teams
Henry T - I2BA
Inflammasome, bacterial infections and autoinflammation
Located in Teams
Paul S - GIMAP
Pathophysiology and biotherapies of mucosal infections (GIMAP)
Located in Teams
Vandenesch F - Stapath
Staphylococcal Pathogenesis
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Vanhems P - PHE3ID
Public Health, Epidemiology and Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Diseases
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Rousset F - GenoMic
Microbial Molecular Genomics
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SFM Mycodays Lyon 20 – 22 juin
Located in Teams / Vandenesch F - Stapath / News