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Ohlmann T - REVE
RNA Expression in Viruses and Eukaryotes
Located in Teams
Vanhems P - PHE3ID
Public Health, Epidemiology and Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Diseases
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Volchkov V - MBVP
Molecular Basis of Viral Pathogenicity
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Research Themes
The TEV (Translation of Eukaryotic and Viral mRNAs) is evolving into a new, bigger, team centred on the RNA and called REVE (RNA Expression in Viruses and Eukaryotes). Such a change is the result of the arrival of the EBV team of the CIRI. You can follow us on Twitter @TEVteam.
Located in Teams / Ohlmann T - REVE
Publication Equipe REVE. Manet et al. NAR
Modulation of alternative splicing during early infection of human primary B lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV): a novel function for the viral EBNA-LP protein.
Located in Teams / Ohlmann T - REVE / News
CIRI group: Mathieu C - NITROVIRE
CIRI Group: NeuroInvasion, TROpism and VIRal Encephalitis
Located in Teams
The broad viral inhibitors IFITMs can regulate Golgi trafficking
Li Zhong, Yuxin Song, Federico Marziali, Rustem Uzbekov, Xuan-Nhi Nguyen, Chloé Journo, Philippe Roingeard, Andrea Cimarelli
Located in Teams / Cimarelli A - LP2L / News
Farnesoid X receptor alpha ligands inhibit HDV in vitro replication and virion infectivity.
Legrand AF, Lucifora J, Lacombe B, Ménard C, Michelet M, Foca A, Abrial P, Salvetti A, Rivoire M, Lotteau V, Durantel D, André P, Ramière C. Hepatol Commun. 2023 Apr 14;7(5):e0078.
Located in Teams / VIDALAIN PO - VIRIMI / News