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What's up?

07.2024. Projets transversaux

Pleased that our team was selected to coordinate intra-Ciri research project to establish a lung organoid.

More here:

07.2024. We got them !

Stoked to receive 2 #ANR grants from to collaborate with Matteo Bonazzi for our project MORPHEO and with Patricia Doublet for our project NITRIC. Stay tuned for more research on antibiotic persisters!

06.2024. Congrats Mathis !

Congratulations Mathis for beautifully defending your PhD ! Welcome to the club !

06.2024. Congrats Kevin !

Congratulations Kevin on your new position as Lecturer ! This is a well-deserved achievement. Working with you was a great experience, and we are grateful for the collaboration and friendship we developed over the years. Looking forward to seeing all the great things you will accomplish and future collaborations ;) !

06.2024. Congrats Valentin !

Valentin successfully secured a competitive doctoral contract to prepare his PhD thesis in the lab ! Congratulations!!!!!

06.2024. Congrats Mathis !

Mathis got a permanent research scientisit position at Danone R&D ! Congratulations!!!!! We will miss you !

03.2024. Warm welcome to our new labmate!

M. Valentin Sanhard joins the lab to complete his PLR


04.2024. New paper out !

So glad that our review about intracellular antibiotic persisters has been accepted for publication !


10.2023. Warm welcome to our new labmates!

Mrs. Souparnika Sabu TAYYIL from IISER Tirupati (India)  joins the lab to complete her master thesis. 

M. Romain GORY joins the lab to complete his master thesis.

03.2023. New paper out !

So glad that our review about intracellular antibiotic persisters has been accepted for publication !


03.2023. Be a PERSISTer! Apply to the E2M2 PhD program and join us!

We are looking for a young researcher who would be motivated to apply for a competitive doctoral contract and to reinforce our dynamic young team. Together, we will contribute to the ongoing pradigm change in infection biology. Using single-cell approaches, our group aim at understanding the pathogen phenotypic heterogeneity and its role in the infection process and the therapeutic failures. 

If you are interested in such challenge, please contact Nicolas Personnic ( and/or Didier Blaha ( Once the lab endorsment obtained, you will be supported to prepare and submit the research project and the grand oral. 

More information on the grant application? Click here 


03.2023. We got it !!

Our joint project with Pr. Raju Mukherjee (IISER Tirupati, India) has been selected in the frame of the Biosantexc program that aim at creating a franco-indian research campus. We are now looking forward to welcoming Mrs. Souparnika Sabu THAYYIL and a fruitfull collaboration with Raju !


12.2022. On the move !

We finally moved to our new labs in Gerland ! 

10.2022. Warm welcome to our new labmate!

Charline Decarvalho joins the lab to complete her university training as research technician.

10. 2022. We got it !!

Our project “BETinCAP”, coordinated by Olaya Rendueles Garcia from the Pasteur Institute, got funded by ANR! This marks the starts of a new and exciting collaboration with Olaya! We will study the metabolism, virulence and gene exchanges in Klebsiella spp. at the single-cell level. This project will leverage molecular microbiology, genetics, comparative genomics and infection models to tackle how changes at the single-cell level are regulated and may influence a population, its ability to cause disease, resist to antibiotics and to adapt to the environment, and thus to determine its consequences at the microevolutionary level.


09.2022. Moving on the move

By the end of that year, our lab moves into a new research building at the core of the new Biodistrict of Lyon where world leaders in life-sciences gather !

At walking distance, we will access all technological facilties !

07.2022. Congratulations !

Iris Dadole successfully secured a competitive doctoral contract to prepare her PhD thesis in the lab ! Congratulations Iris !!!!!

06.2022. Congratulations !

Bravo Iris for your very nice Master thesis !!!

06.2022. Warm welcome to our new labmate!

Didier Blaha joins the lab as MCU (Researcher and Lecturer), by september 2022. We are absolutly delighted and we are looking forward to having you in the team !!!

03.2022. Warm welcome to our new labmate!

Kevin Huguet joins the lab as Reserach Engineer.

12.2021. Warm welcome to our new labmates!

Iris Dadole joins the lab as M2 student.

Clara Labbaci joins the lab as M1 student.

07/2021. Our last publication is out!

By: Bianca Striednig and colleagues about the intravacuolar bacterial community behavior !

Title: Quorum sensing governs a transmissive Legionella subpopulation at the pathogen vacuole periphery

In: EMBO Reports. Read it here