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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Doublet P/Jarraud S - LegioPath / Actualités de l'équipe / Co-infection with Legionella and SARS-CoV-2, France, March 2020

Co-infection with Legionella and SARS-CoV-2, France, March 2020

C. Allam et al. Emerging Infectious Diseases Volume 27, Number 11—November 2021

C. Allam, A. Gaymard, G. Descours, C. Ginevra, L. Josset, M. Ibranosyan, B. Lina, F. Ader, S. Jarraud



We describe a March 2020 co-occurrence of Legionnaires’ disease (LD) and coronavirus disease in France. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 co-infections were identified in 7 of 49 patients from LD case notifications. Most were elderly men with underlying conditions who had contracted severe pneumonia, illustrating the relevance of co-infection screening.


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