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Séminaire CIRI: Dr. Suzana Salcedo

 Dr. Suzana Salcedo (IBCP Lyon; MMSB): "Studying nosocomial bacterial pathogenesis: old toxins, new functions"
Quand ? Le 30/03/2021,
de 11:00 à 12:00
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Titre du séminaire: « Studying nosocomial bacterial pathogenesis: old toxins, new functions »

abstract : Our team is interested in studying how bacterial pathogens interact with host cells to cause disease. We apply integrated molecular and cellular approaches to characterize these host-pathogen interactions and identify the bacterial proteins relevant during infection or persistence in the environment. I will present our latest work on two nosocomial pathogens, Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. I will discuss the surprising diversity of phenotypes observed with A. baumannii multi-drug resistant clinical isolates when they encounter host cells and also a new function we have unravelled for a virulence factor of an atypical P. aeruginosa strain.

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