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You are here: Home / About us / News / The LIA RESPIVIR was honored during the meeting of the French and Quebec Prime Ministers

The LIA RESPIVIR was honored during the meeting of the French and Quebec Prime Ministers

The RESPIVIR France - Canada International Research Laboratory was very well received at the 21st alternating meeting between the Quebec and French prime ministers, François Legault and Gabriel Attal, which took place in Quebec from April 10 to 12.

Manuel Rosa-Calatrava (VirPath team) and Guy Boivin (CHU Québec - Université Laval research center), co-directors of RESPIVIR, were honored for their commitment, along with their teams from Quebec and Lyon, to research into infectious respiratory diseases and the application of their innovations through university-industry collaborations and the creation of university start-ups and spin-offs.

The partnership agreement between our supervisory bodies and Université Laval was formalized with the support of the Ministère des Relations Internationales et de la Francophonie du Québec and the MESRI, with the signature of Sophie d'Amour, Rector of Université Laval, Antoine Petit, CEO of CNRS and Frédéric Fleury, President of Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, under the patronage of Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, and Pascale Déry, Minister of Higher Education of Quebec.


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