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Recent books published by members of the CIRI

Members of the CIRI contributed to two books that were recently published. One is about the history of microbiology, and the other tackles research progress linked to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Books are in French.

Une brève histoire de la microbiologie

De la découverte des bactéries et des virus à la révolution de la génomique


Une brève histoire de la microbiologie : De la découverte des bactéries et des virus à la révolution de la génomique

The book is divided in seven sections:

  • « Des miasmes à la naissance de la bactériologie »
  • « L'âge d'or de la bactériologie »
  • « Naissance de la virologie »
  • « Développements dans l'identification microbienne au cours du XXe siècle »
  • « Évolution du séquençage de l'ADN et de l'ARN »
  • « Principales applications de la biologie moléculaire en microbiologie »
  • « Quelques découvertes marquantes de l'époque moderne »

These sections provide an insight into the tremendous developments in microbiology, from the first bacterial isolations from potatoes to the most recent sequencing methods, which have led to exceptional advances in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases.

Book by Jean Freney et Frédéric Laurent published by editions ESKA - Médecine.

Frédéric Laurent is a hospital practitioner and a researcher, specialised in phages, in StaPath team.


More about this book...


L'ère des pandémies : COVID, les avancées de la recherche

Covid 19, l’histoire naturelle d’une maladie. Que dit la science sur les risques d’une nouvelle ère épidémique ?



Has the world entered a new epidemic era? What does science have to say? For several years now, scientists have been warning of the emergence of new diseases and the influence of environmental and social factors on health. Covid, and the health crisis it provoked, has precipitated a new awareness of the dangers posed to humanity by viruses, coronaviruses and other variants. In this book, researchers, physicians, biologists and epidemiologists set out to tell the "natural history of this disease": to recount its pandemic history and the questions it has raised, to understand viruses and coronaviruses, their differences, their location, their modes of transmission and the risks of crossing species, to take stock of the mechanisms of infection, replication and the notions of mutation and recombination. Beyond the polemics, the book takes stock of advances in research into this type of disease, as well as vaccination to protect against it. An essential review of a pandemic that has often been treated more in terms of its medical and health aspects than its scientific ones. This is a major contribution by scientists to the general public, enabling us today to better measure the risks of this new pandemic era, and to provide keys to protection against it.

A cherche midi book produced with the CNRS, the Institut écologie et environnement (INEE) and the Institut national des sciences biologiques (INSB).
Collective work edited by Florence Débarre, Agnès Mignot, Serge Morand, Françoise Praz
Foreword by Arnaud Fontanet

Amandine Le Corf, PhD student (CNRS), and Lucie Etienne, Head of research (CNRS) in the LP2L team, and Olivier Terrier, research fellow in the VirPath team, each wrote a chapter of this book.


Pour en savoir plus... 


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