AIS Biotech dans le magazine de l'Inserm
Manuel Rosa-Calatrava's group within the VirPath team and its virnext technology platform conduct partnership and interdisciplinary research aimed at developing and validating new prophylactic and therapeutic strategies against emerging and re-emerging respiratory viral infections in a continuum of in vitro and in vivo preclinical models.
Inserm magazine features a double-page spread highlighting the translational research carried out by the International #jointlab #RESPIVIR France - Canada laboratory, and its commercialization through technology transfer and spin-offs, such as AIS biotech.
Link to the article in the “Entreprendre” section of Inserm magazine (p40-41) (in French)
The article focuses in particular on the collaborative program with Cermav, an expert in industrializable processes for the bio-production of complex polysaccharides. Funded by SATT , this partnership led to the identification and preclinical validation in vivo of Glycoflu, the first compound in a new class of biomolecules that act as decoy receptors to prevent human influenza viruses from attaching to respiratory epithelium cells. Protected by a European patent (EP21305131.1) filed by Inserm, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, ENS de Lyon and Université Grenoble-Alpes, the Glycoflu synthetic complex glycopolymer has been licensed to AIS Biotech, which is now responsible for its marketing.
This new strategy, based on complex, custom-synthesized glycopolymers, represents a new approach that complements vaccination and conventional antivirals in the fight against seasonal epidemic influenza viruses and those with pandemic potential, notably by helping to limit virus transmission and the emergence of resistance.