The Board of Directors (CoDir)
The Board of Directors (CoDir) is made up of the CIRI Director, the Heads of Specialties, and two or three members appointed by the Director. One or more deputy directors are appointed from among these members. It also includes the Scientific Administrator and the General Secretary. It meets one to four times a month, as required, generally on a weekly basis.
Role of the Board of Directors
The Management Board draws up and implements the Centre's strategic decisions of a scientific, organizational and/or political nature. It carries out its tasks in consultation with the Centre's various councils.
It defines the Centre's structure and strategic objectives, and decides on priorities for the emergence or recruitment of external teams. It prepares the activity report presented to the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and to evaluation bodies.
It is the main contact with the managing bodies. It prepares requests for annual and exceptional funding from the supervisory bodies, and oversees the distribution of the Center's resources among its members (human, financial and building resources).
Finally, it prepares and implements all decisions, takes urgent decisions and manages day-to-day business.
Each member of the Board of Directors may represent the Centre's management in dealings with institutional or private partners.
The CoDir gives its opinion or makes decisions by consensus. If a vote is required, each full member has one vote. A simple majority is required to validate a decision. In the event of a tie, the Director's vote is decisive.
Composition of the Board of Directors
As of March 1, 2024, the CoDir is composed of :
Thierry Walzer (Director),
Patricia Doublet (Deputy Director, UCBLI relations),
François Vandenesch (Deputy Director, HCL relations),
Thomas Henry (Deputy Director, bacteriology specialty coordinator),
Laurent Genestier (immunology specialty coordinator),
David Durantel (virology specialty coordinator),
Cecile Monnier-Oudin (General Secretary),
Nathalie Alazard (Scientific Administrator).