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Ohlmann T - REVE
RNA Expression in Viruses and Eukaryotes
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The TEV (Translation of Eukaryotic and Viral mRNAs) is evolving into a new, bigger, team centred on the RNA and called REVE (RNA Expression in Viruses and Eukaryotes). Such a change is the result of the arrival of the EBV team of the CIRI. You can follow us on Twitter @TEVteam.
Located in Teams / Ohlmann T - REVE
Research Projects - Axis 2 (PI: L. Etienne)
Functional evolution of virus-host interactions, and impact on cross-species transmissions
Located in Teams / Cimarelli A - LP2L
Publication Equipe REVE. Manet et al. NAR
Modulation of alternative splicing during early infection of human primary B lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV): a novel function for the viral EBNA-LP protein.
Located in Teams / Ohlmann T - REVE / News
The broad viral inhibitors IFITMs can regulate Golgi trafficking
Li Zhong, Yuxin Song, Federico Marziali, Rustem Uzbekov, Xuan-Nhi Nguyen, Chloé Journo, Philippe Roingeard, Andrea Cimarelli
Located in Teams / Cimarelli A - LP2L / News
Vanhems P - PHE3ID
Public Health, Epidemiology and Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Diseases
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Viral Infection, Metabolism and Immunity.
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Volchkov V - MBVP
Molecular Basis of Viral Pathogenicity
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