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Current job offers

Title Expiration Date Description
Post-doctoral position in skin immunity A 2-year post-doctoral position for a highly motivated and talented postdoctoral fellow is available in the team of Dr Marc Vocanson at the Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie (CIRI), in Lyon, France.
Post-doc - Immuno-Therapy (updated) EVIR Team: "Genetic reprogramming of B cells to enhance their therapeutic properties before autologous transfer"
PhD position in skin immunity (EIA team) A PhD under a "CIFRE convention" is opened in EIA team. It will start in September 2024.
Postdoctoral scientist - Molecular mechanisms of bacterial and eukaryotic immunity The Microbial Molecular Genomics lab led by Dr. François Rousset is hiring a postdoc to investigate the molecular basis of bacterial immune systems and their evolution in the eukaryotic lineage.
THREE-YEAR POST DOCTORAL POSITION AVAILABLE A three-year post doc position is available in our lab to study the interplay between cellular innate defense proteins, the microtubule network and RNA viruses from different families (Rhabdoviridae, Orthomyxoviridae and Flaviviridae).